We have been pivoting since we learned to walk which was the first breath of independence we claimed.
We learned to change directions, just a pivot here and there and before we knew it, we were masters of our destiny. Like a magic wand, we pivoted into another dimension or better said another version of our walk into our infinite-future.
Well, maybe not that easy, nevertheless, we are constantly jumping from one episode to the next peg-hole episode in the game of life. Some pivots are automatic and some are easy fit but other leaps show both roads are paved with hot coals. The dilemma of life's pivots, which to choose, both seem bumpy, but they are not the same. Most of us make the leap instantaneously, some with our eyes closed hoping for the best and other cautiously walking through the thorny road anxious to make the next pivot. Both require a major leap of faith into the ocean of life, surfing the waves, making sure that the sharky waters don't engulf us and so we are fearlessly roll-on adrenaline waves ready to pivot at any time.
Yes, we all pivot, it's part of being human, we capriciously drive our life with a square-peg steering wheel. Sometimes, I think it's by sheer luck that we survive. I have been in a flicker mode for the last ten years and believe me it is taking pivoting into overdrive that leaves me again treading on the walk of life, questioning my existence.
As I walk this morning along La Pared with the ocean breeze to clearing my head, it smacked me in the face, yesterday was another pivot, so deal with the leap and revamp.
Right, easier said than done. The tedious road of survival means we must constantly evolve and again redirect our future to walk a better road filled with purpose and love.
Remember pivoting means we are alive and constantly looking at our infinite future from a present-future perspective. Life is a hitch but make sure with every new day, we inhale and release the toxins, then smile to start the days adventure.
By Marie M. Rivera
aka Maguida
Written: September 2nd, 2021 @ 7:30am
Google Translation:
Hemos estado pivotando desde que aprendimos a caminar, que fue el primer soplo de independencia que reivindicamos.
Aprendimos a cambiar de dirección, solo un pivote aquí y allá y antes de que lo supiéramos, éramos dueños de nuestro destino. Como una varita mágica, pasamos a otra detención o, mejor dicho, a otra versión de nuestro camino hacia nuestro futuro infinito.
Bueno, tal vez no sea tan fácil, sin embargo, estamos constantemente saltando de un episodio a otro en el juego de la vida. Algunos pivotes son automáticos y de fácil ajuste, pero otros saltos muestran que ambos caminos están pavimentados con carbón caliente. El dilema de los ejes de la vida, que elegir, ambos parecen accidentados, pero no son lo mismo. La mayoría de nosotros da el salto instantáneamente, algunos con los ojos cerrados esperando lo mejor y otros caminando con cautela por el camino espinoso ansiosos por dar el siguiente giro. Ambos requieren un gran salto de fe hacia el océano de la vida, surfeando las olas, asegurándose de que las aguas tibias no nos traguen y así rodamos sin miedo sobre las olas de adrenalina listos para girar en cualquier momento.
Sí, todos pivotamos, es parte del ser humano, conducimos caprichosamente nuestra vida con un volante de clavija cuadrada. A veces, creo que es por pura suerte que sobrevivimos. He estado en un modo de parpadeo durante los últimos diez años, y créanme, se está acelerando el giro que me deja nuevamente en el camino de la vida, cuestionando mi existencia.
Mientras hacía mi caminata terapéutica esta mañana por La Pared con la brisa del mar para aclararme la cabeza, me golpeó en la cara, ayer fue otro pivote, así que lidie con el salto y la renovación.
Bien, es más fácil decirlo que hacerlo. El tedioso camino de la supervivencia significa que debemos evolucionar constantemente y redirigir nuevamente nuestro futuro para caminar por un camino mejor lleno de propósito y amor.
Recuerde que pivotar significa que estamos vivos y mirando constantemente nuestro futuro infinito desde una perspectiva de presente-futuro. La vida es una puta pero asegúrese de que cada nuevo día inhalemos y liberemos las toxinas, luego sonreímos para comenzar la aventura del día.
Por Marie M. Rivera
Escrito: 2 de septiembre de 2021 a las 7:30 a.m
There was a Spanish Pastor's sermon of him sitting at a table as if dinning with a group and it was being videoed. Someone posted it to Facebook a long time ago and it had been circulating for a long time and one day it caught my ear.
Stranger things have happened in the world of God, messages are messages and this one pulled me into the fable. Jesus taught by telling stories just like this Pastor’s fable and I listened. Then I proceeded to translate it into English so I could better dwell on the Fable of the Apple.
Today, I happen to be looking for a file on my computer when I came across the Pastor’s fable that I had translated and it so happens that it was meant for me to share it with a friend via WhatsApp and her comment said it all, “WOW!”
There is the fable as I translated it because there may be someone else out there who needs to hear it today…
This is the story of an apple that wanted to be happy and spoke to God.
And the apple said to God, I want you to put me on the highest branch.
And God asked, are you not comfortable where I put you? And why do you want to be higher?
And the apple told him because I am happy when I see the stars. And here below, I only see branches, leaves and other apples. They do not let me see the stars, but if you put me on the highest branch, I am going to be a happier apple.
And God told him, you do not need to see stars to be happy. But, if that makes you happier, I'll put you on the highest branch.
The apple was viewing the stars at night from the highest branch and said, how beautiful. But, when it gained more confidence, the apple said to God, can I ask for another favor? I want to be closer to the starts, can you let a pigeon, or a large bird rip me off this tree and take me to the highest mountain. Because if I'm closer to the stars and I manage to touch a star, I'm going to be the happiest apple ever.
And God replied, look little apple, you do not need to see stars, nor be near a star, or touch stars to be happy. What you need is, then he took a knife and split the apple and said, look, what you need is to discover that I put a star inside you. If you discover the star that is within you, because happiness is not a journey, it is something you understand. It is not about being in another place, nor being another person or thing, it is about discovering that I put inside you the star.
And the apple said, thank you God, because now I want to discover the star inside me, too bad I had to be split.
There are people who must suffer a lot and loose what they yearn for only to discover that was not what really makes them happy.
Happy people are not those who have everything they want.
Happy people are those that treasure all they have because happiness is not something you find after reaching your goal, it is the attitude with which you walk that helps you find happiness.
Now the Pastor talks to those sitting at the table and says, but if you feel you do not have a star inside you, I can help you.
As he points the knife jabbing it, he says, want to see? Want to try to see if there is a star inside of you? Guess not.
Maguida aka Marie M. Rivera
Published the Pastors Fable on 8/15/2019
Marie M. Rivera aka Maguida
My loving Ben, my first grandchild who lighted our lives with his charismatic smile and his adventurous imagination.
He was a kind and loving young man who lost his fight when he
stepped off the path into the poisonous jungle of life. Trapped by the allure of a good time, this poison, called heroin, turned my sweet, handsome Ben, my shining star into its puppet, creeping into his very soul, tantalizing him with its pleasures.
Make no mistake, he became a modern day slave, the fun time was an illusion to trap him, dragging him into the heroin dealers black hole, like quick sand, every movement, every step clutching at his heels to drown him. This was a never ending struggled for freedom against the chains of heroin, it was always there, getting tighter and tighter. Drugs are everywhere it dangles its candy enticing him with pleasure to lock onto his mind like a guided missile, rarely missing its target.
And now comes the explosion with a new and stronger candy claiming another victim, my loving Ben and we, his family and friends are collateral damage. His precious life forever lost, so young, he is still my courageous handsome grandson coming home from the city streets war. I love you.
We must be vigilant in this war against drugs that is enslaving our children. Reach out for help, enter everyone you can in the support circle.
Rest in Peace my darling Ben,
Grandma Marie
Marie M. Rivera
Posted: 9/28/16
Pícola está volando libremente.
Corriendo por un campo sin definición
en una esquina de mi mente.
En este campo no hay dolor,
no hay sensación
realmente no hay frío ni calor.
Mi vida es una película.
Mis tiempos alegres pasan alrededor y
los tiempos que me cruzaron mi corazón,
los veo pero no los siento.
Oigo una voz, oigo otra voz.
Una me está llamando que despierte.
La otra voz de mi mente es suave,
me dice tranquila, descansa.
¡Despierta! Abre los ojos dice la voz,
sigue la voz, abre los ojos.
Los ojos son la puerta que pisa la tierra,
pero este lugar no tiene tiempo,
este lugar no tiene paredes y
este lugar no tiene puertas.
Otra vez la voz me llama.
¡Despierta! Abre los ojos.
Los ojos son la puerta que trae el sol de mañana.
Escrito por Maguida Rivera ( Marie M. Rivera /Medina)
Sentada al lado de la cama de mi mamá días antes de morir.
31 de Marzo de 2004 a la 1:24 PM
We live in a present future and we feel in the present past.
So, what does that say when I'm just in the now?
The moment... is the moment.
My passion... is the moment.
Or is it just the vision of my present future,
holding hands with my present past?
And the moment is always about love.
All of us want love.
All of us love to be in love.
All of us want the moment to be love.
Passion is love, the deep passion of love.
Passion is love, the deep passion of hate.
Passion is love, the deep passion of war.
Passion of love, no more in the end.
Passion of love,
does the looking glass see what I feel?
Or are the eyes blind to the soul?
Love is just a word.
A passionate, exciting word.
But do we really see the person,
that moment in time
when the essence of the soul unlocks.
The soul is the passion,
the inner passion never goes away,
even when love goes away.
One day, I will again be frozen in that moment,
and feel the passion of love,
the essence of the soul.
Passion is the blood that runs through me,
It’s the kiss that hurts,
the flower that grows.
Water the flowers, water the flowers,
and let not the tears nurture my soul.
Remember, the soul is the passion,
the inner passion never goes away.
Love again, but shatter the looking glass,
and seize the soul.
Love again, when you know the essence of the soul,
not the scent of the touch.
Love again for the passion of love is,
but a whisper in time.
The whisper is the moment...
The moment is the passion...
The passion is the love.
Poem by Marie Rivera de Medina
First Published March 29, 2003
Just a note to clarify :
Your next thoughts, actions are your present future.
The actual now, is your present.
And the next second is you past present.
In just a blink of an eye we are constantly revolving
in that ever changing present.
The beginning of 2003 was a turbulent time for me and as we all know, when you have pain is when our emotions flow like the juice of life. Marie M. Rivera aka Maguida
Everything has changed, and nothing really changes, I am here and there but am I the same? Eternally waking in the clouds of life with that fog that dulls the truth.
The lines of my face are deep, they form a road map of my life. Dark rainy clouds of tears intertwined with yesterday sadly shout this mystery of life has yet to be solved.
The lines of my body are swelled like a globe showing the lightning truth of time, yet I am still not moving, lost in the song of life, blinded by the shadows of time. The Wizard of Time grinning back sending sparkles of sand as the song floats and chains me in the void, always in a fog. I am blind, yet I can see.
What is outside always changes, I know that but my inner self, who I am changes too and is rooted in time and never lies.
I am not blinded by the fog, I am blinded by the windmills of my inner self. Always inside, never free, and with the awakening of a new dawn comes another crusade against the Wizard of the dark clouds, a new and never-ending challenge.
Written by: Marie M. Rivera
June 13th, 2018
Photo by: Marie M. Rivera
Jayuya, Puerto Rico
Photo by Marie M. Rivera
Life is a journey
Sometimes lonely
Yet we are not alone
Life is a mirage
No guarantees
Yet we believe
Life brings blessings
Sweet little beings
And we truly believe
Life has sounds
Bombs and tears
And we ignore
Life has a heart
Life has a meaning
Yet we don't see
Life is a red river
Flows all around
Yet we drown
Life has its blessings
Life has its sorrows
Life is life, it comes, and goes
This poem is dedicated to the Life of Benjamin Filler,my grandson on the 6th month anniversary of hisdeparture and to my family.
By Marie M Rivera de Morales
December 31st, 2016
Time: 9:52 PM
NGC 1499 Our Sun has its home within the Milky Way's Orion Arm. NSA
¿Qué es una vida?
La mía es como un libro frágil,
tan delicado, las páginas se están rompiendo.
Casi no puedo pasar la página,
estoy sentada en un coche,
va muy ligero y no tiene frenos.
Me pregunto si la página me deja ver,
¿tú sabes que es el futuro?
El día de mañana o a lo mejor el año que viene,
pero estas malditas páginas en mi mente,
tienen un secreto y no me lo quieren decir.
Las páginas de ayer no eran tan malas.
Me traían la briza del mar,
el sol me calentaba,
y unos brazos me arrullaban.
Me pregunto, ¿porque tengo tanto miedo?
Otra vez siento unos brazos que me arrullan.
Una voz me dice,
pasa la página, pasa la página…
Es increíble, la página está en blanco.
Yo soy la escritora y Dios me regalo otra página.
¡Que tonta soy a veces!
Me preocupo tanto y dejó que el miedo me congele.
Pero yo soy una escritora,
la que escribe el cuento de mi vida,
y hoy la música será alegre.
Porque mi querido padre Raphael,
está mirándome desde el cielo,
y de él son los brazos que me protegen.
El amor de mi padre es un regalo de Dios.
Saturday, May 14, 2011 @ 5:36pm
Today is April 3rd, 2021 and I was trying to find a picture when I came across these feeling I wrote ten years ago. And as I was reading I cried because it came just at the right time as a reminder that I should turn the page.
La vida es como la profundidad del mar, de gran alcance
Conduciéndonos en muchas direcciones
Los corales en las aguas poco profundas
Envían un beso de la vida
Colores radiantes como el abrazo de un amante
Pero en el fondo, el frío adormece todo sentimiento
La incertidumbre de la oscuridad
Un eco, el tambor de la ejecución
Un eco, el latido de mi corazón
El silencio me rodea como una noche fría
¿Dónde está el calor del abrazo de mi amante?
¿Dónde está mi próxima temporada?
El silencio me rodea como la oscuridad de la temporada
¿Dónde está la fuerza que me traiga a casa?
El Silencio, un paseo de la temporada
El silencio, la quietud de mi mente
El silencio es el frío beso de la noche
El silencio, tanto silencio
¿Dónde está la fuerza que me traiga a casa?
El silencio, tanto silencio
El silencio es sólo un adiós
El amanecer de una nueva temporada
El calor de un nuevo abrazo
Silencio, me envía el fuego de la vida
El silencio envía mi amor...
El silencio adormece mi alma
Una pausa triste, ahora respira
Adelante, sigue respirando
Adelante, recuerda mi amor
El silencio es el mar de la vida
El fuego en mi interior
El silencio, recuerdo a mi amor
Marie M. Rivera aka Maguida
SILENCE First Published 2/22/2003
Life is like the depth of the sea, powerful
Driving us in many directions
Corals in the shallow water sending a kiss from life
Radiant colors like a lover’s embrace
But in the depth, the coldness numbs all feeling
The uncertainty of the darkness
An echo, the drum of execution
An echo, the beat of my heart
Silence surrounds me like a cold night
Where is the warmth of my lovers embrace?
Where is my next season?
Silence surrounds me like the dark of no season
Where is the force to bring me home?
Silence, a walk from the season
Silence, the still of my mind
Silence is the cold kiss of yesterday
Silence, so much silence
Where is the force to bring me home?
Silence, so much silence
Silence is just a farewell
The dawn of a new season
The warmth of a new embrace
Silence, send me the fire of life
Silence sends my love …
Silence numbs my soul
A sad pause, now breath
Move on, now breath
Move on, remember my love
Silence is the sea of life
The fire within
Silence, remember my love
Marie M. Rivera aka Maguida
Original thoughts written February 22, 2003,
after my Mothers Operation.
First Published 2/22/2003
I read a very interesting article call, "5 Natural Ways to Improve Your Memory, According to Experts". Which brings me to the fact that during my childhood, teens, young adult, and my primary working years there were two difficulties that afflicted me and still does but less significant now since I'm retired.
If truth be told, I was never the type of person that if I met you once, I would never forget your name. I would cringe when I entered an event full of people who I vaguely knew and when they greeted me, they would include my name in their greeting. And inside my brain there was that horrible glitch again, a blank on a person’s name.
For example, when I would attend an event at St. Bartholomew’s everyone would greet each other by name, not me, unless I personally interacted with them on a regular basis. Hence, the glitch, name recall has always been a problem especially in these types of situations. And forget about movies, I must have known about data trash bins at an early age because if it wasn’t a favorite that's where the information went.
Another one was growing up with Dyslexia and not understanding it. That is why, I was super careful with presentations and proposals. And I still have that reverse glitch from time to time. Again being retired takes some stress off these glitches.
Bottom line, I survived working around my two mental glitches and so can anyone. Not everything is dementia, some are just normal stuff that has been happening since early childhood.
Well, I think this makes for a good article, embarrassing but truthful. You must laugh at life and go with the flow, we are not all perfect, but we would like to be.
aka Marie M. Rivera
May 31st, 2021
For Just Maguida ~ Bouncing my thoughts!
PO Box 855, Luquillo, PR 00773
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Life is just a wink in time, one minute your on the high of life and then without warning your under a gray cloud, but don't fret, stay positive.
The secret to bouncing back is to fill yourself with yourself. OK, sound silly but true. Let's discuss the happy side of Life or if you think otherwise.